Messi & Firmino | Nemeziz

Messi & Firmino NEMEZIZ LAUNCH
Challenge: Tease the new NEMEZIZ boot with impactful and memorable visuals.
Idea: We focused on what made the revolutionary NEMEZIZ boot unique - a new flexible material that made it feel like the boot was literally wrapped around your feet, this feeling and touch gave the wearer boxer like agility. This provided us with the inspiration to capture these iconic visuals with Messi and Firmino.
Role: Senior Creative | Year: 2017

Client: adidas Football
Categories: Online Films, Photography & Social Toolkit
Year: 2017
Agency: We Are Social
Role: Lead Senior Creative (Pitch/Proposal, Concept Development, Scripts, Art Direction, On Set Creative Direction, Overseeing Edits, Editorial Roll Out)
Challenge: Tease the new NEMEZIZ boot silo with impactful and memorable visuals.
Idea: We focused on what made the revolutionary NEMEZIZ boot unique - a new flexible material that made it feel like the boot was literally wrapped around your feet, this feeling and touch gave the wearer boxer like agility. This provided us with the inspiration to capture these iconic visuals with Messi and Firmino.